Why Boulou Blue?
Quality of Life
Jamaica has a high human development rank as it relates to life expectancy, literacy, education, standards of living (United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Human Development Index, 2019) denim +1. Sriracha umami meditation, listicle chambray fanny pack blog organic Blue Bottle.
Cost-Effective Labor
40% – 60% cost savings compared to US call centers
Political Stability
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) agreed to lend Jamaica US15 million, which the country will use to develop a pipeline of BPO talent.
English-Speaking Workforce
Primary education based on the British system with increasing American influence on language and culture.
Cultural Affinity
African and European influences dominate the culture; however, the Spanish, Irish, Indians, Chinese and Germans have all left their mark. The Jamaican people are inherently warm and friendly.
Government Support
The Jamaican government has established a BPO Task Force to facilitate ease of doing business and investing through the provision of tax incentives.
Scalability and Flexibility
There is potential for growth of BPOs in the urban and rural capitals. The country welcomes foreign business ventures in this sector and seeks to ensure that the necessary laws and policies facilitate these efforts and benefits all stakeholders.
High-Quality Infrastructure
Possesses the necessary infrastructure, utilities, transportation, technology, and telephony systems.
Educated and Skilled Workforce
Global Services Sector (GSS) projects locally also push to upskill the BPO labor source, preparing secondary school students by providing technical, language, and communication skills training, customer service certification courses, and career advancement programs for customer service and data operations.
Strategic Location
Jamaica is only a short flight away from most major US airports. It also shares the same time zone as many sections of the US. Therefore, establishing a technology footprint in this country provides a reasonable degree of accessibility and ease in servicing customers on a similar clock as the US –based clients.